Yahoo! Avatars

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Things #1

Well, here goes! I admit that I am a little intimidated about this quest for knowledge, but I am also eager to venture forth into the world of computer speak. I am tired of being barely informed on so many topics concerning new technology and all of the new ways to use the computer to gather information. It took me longer than I had anticipated to complete thing #1, but I now feel a sense of accomplishment. It took me quite awhile to export the avatar, but finally figured it out. I am not pleased with the template for the blog, but at the time of creation decided it was better just to choose something so that I could move forward with the project. I plan to make changes to the blog setup and my avatar now that I feel somewhat more comfortable with the process. I am really looking forward to each of the things on the stick. This is such a wonderful tool for those of us who refuse to remain a luddite.

1 comment:

Marty said...

Hi Phyllis-
Nice job with Thing 1. I always think of Seuss when I say that. Is that a kids librarian or what?